What is Legend of Ares?
When is the game expected to open?
How do I sign up for an account?
How do I download the game?
I'm a returning player but I have forget about what to do. Where can I find information about the game?
Is there a discord link to use to invite players?
How do I reset my account password?
Is there a facebook page?
What are XCredits?
How do I purchase XCredits?
What are Game Masters and what can they do?
What are Community Support staff and what can they do?
What are Reforgix Team staff and what can they do?
What are Ares Experts and what can they do?
What language is the game supported in?
How do I make in-game purchases?
Where is the server located?
What time zone is the server in?
Is there a test server?
When can I expect regular maintenance downtime?
I have really high ping, is there anyway I can get it down?
How can I report a bug or technical issue?
How do I talk with the support staff?
Are macros allowed and what defines a macro?

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