New Chat Rules

After how crazy chat has been over the last few days but mostly in the last few hours on Discord, it's become blatantly clear that our chat rules need to be much more strict. We expected that the Legend of Ares community would be able to behave as adults and govern themselves for chat, but it appears that this was extremely misguided.

Our chat rules are now posted here on our website, , along with a few extra ones for discord located in the channel: #rules . They are clear and concise and will be enforced extremely strictly going forward.

Our User Agreement has also been updated to include these and you are required to follow them per the agreement. Player reports will be taken care of within 72 hours and we will be assigning more of our team to take care of these.

There will not be any appeals or blaming it on someone else starting it. If you both are breaking rules - you're both getting a punishment, period. Our team will decide what actions to take based on the report and it's up to the team member how much information they give to the reporting player.

All reports will be fully anonymous and we will protect your privacy.

These new rules will go into effect at Midnight PDT tonight. (If you're reading this - expect them to already be in effect)



The Legend of Ares Team

[GM] Cole
Sep 10, 2024
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