Hotfix Patch Notes [Version 68]
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Hotfix Patch Notes [Version 68]  

Release Date: 28 October 2024              

Improvements and Additions 



  • Beta Vendor Titles / Borders have been rewarded to all eligible players. If you received the previous "Azure" beta rewards - you're eligible for these. Event NPC in Etana has the reward dialog. Sorry they took so long!

  • For the duration of the halloween event - theres a new login announcement. If the portals are active - it'll tell you their locations. Otherwise, it'll let you know how many minutes are remaining until the next portal spawns.

  • Updated a couple more monster pathing maps, including extra guards for the behe pit so that he won't shuffle through his border.

  • Improved how the nightmare portals select their maps to spawn. This will fix the issue of sometimes a portal not showing up. As this bug mostly affected the lower 2 groups of players, we're adding a small compensation boost to those portals. Theres 20% more monster density and instead of 2 bosses per portal, there will be 4. This compensation boost will last until Thursday Nights maintenance. (approximately 3 full days).


  • No improvements or additions.


  • No improvements or additions.


  • No improvements or additions.


  • No improvements or additions.


Changes and Removals 



  • Chatbox background was made significantly darker to have more contrast on the text.


  • No changes or removals.


  • No changes or removals.


  • No changes or removals.


  • No changes or removals.


Bug Fixes 



  • Fixed a bug where items with an expiration could be dropped/modified/etc - removing their expiration (visually) and allowing them to be meta'd/etc. Expiration items are supposed to be character bound. As this bug was announced less than 24hrs after the release - any players who still took advantage of this and meta'd your event gear - the stats were removed. You will not be refunded the meta/stat item/etc.

  • Fixed the bug with Special Scrolls still working for the next time the portals open. They're wiped when the portal closes. And if you logout with a special scroll to one of the nightmare maps, regardless if it's open or not - it's not going to save. (Only way we could properly protect against this abuse.)

  • Fixed the nightmare maps to be properly PvE as they were originally planned to be. AOE will no longer damage enemy nations.

  • Fixed the casting delay bug where you could randomly get double cast delay. Extra protection was added here as well for the future.

  • Added multiple etana locations for pushing players to when the portals close. This way it's not as laggy with everyone loading into one place.

  • Fixed a bug with the launcher where it wasn't including the log file alongside the crash report.


  • No bug fixes.


  • No bug fixes.


  • No bug fixes.


  • No bug fixes.





  • No updates.


Patch Notes
Reforgix Staff
Oct 29, 2024
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